Cluster Ganglia Report  

msut3-mgsmds-sb.msulocal Node View for Sat, 28 Sep 2024 17:21:24 -0400
AGLT2-ATLAS Grid > MSU Server > msut3-mgsmds-sb.msulocal   

msut3-mgsmds-sb.msulocal Info

Location: Rack 0, Rank 0, Plane 0.

Cluster local time Sat Sep 28 17:21:22 2024
Last heartbeat received 44 seconds ago.
Uptime 451 days, 3:05:26

Load: 0.00 0.03 0.05

CPU Utilization: 0.0 0.1 99.9
CPUs: 8 x 2.83 GHz
Memory (RAM): 31.26 GB
Local Disk: Using 6.6619999999999 of 744.824 GB
Most Full Disk Partition: 81.7% used.
OS: (x86_64)
Booted: July 5, 2023, 2:15 pm
Uptime: 451 days, 3:05:26
Swap: Using 0.0 of 4096.0 MB swap.
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